Doing Church In The New Normal
Here in New Zealand, life is pretty much back to a sort of normal, post covid-19, this normal though is slightly different to the normal we once knew.
2020 has introduced us to a totally different world every aspect of our lives has been touched.
For our spiritual lives we adapted to doing church from home and online gatherings replacing in person gatherings for the lockdown period. Then as the lockdown eased we started gathering in smaller group sized services and events.
One of my own takeaways from all of this is - small is okay. smaller more intimate meetings where you get a chance to connect with everyone, yet still have the chance to enjoy the experience of worshiping together.
As a church we are intentionally steering away from trying to pack as many people as possible into one mass gathering but rather enjoying the experience of more smaller moments of worshiping and connecting together.
Sometimes small is better.
Barry Farmilo
Lead Pastor Belong Church